Р. Шуман (1810-1856) 3 фантазии для кларнета и фортепиано ор.73
К. Вебер (1786-1826) Большой концертный дуэт для кларнета и фортепиано ми-бемоль мажор ор.48
А. Розенблат (р. 1955) Кармен-фантазия на темы Бизе для кларнета и фортепиано
Danila Efremov (clarinet)
piano laureate of international competitions Andrei Telkov
II part
Ф. Шопен (1810-1849)
Полонез ор.71 №1 ре-минор
4 мазурки ор.6
Этюд №10, op.10 ля-бемоль мажор
Этюд №25 ор.10 си-минор
Вариация на тему марша из оперы Беллини «Пуритане»
Скерцо №1 ор.20 си-минор
Vladimir Matusevich (piano)
Rules for visitors
1. Overclothes should be left at the cloakroom. |
2. It is not allowed to take large objects into the interiors: bags, briefcases, backpacks, umbrellas, liquids in any containers, including drinks. It is requested to deposit the aforementioned items in the cloakroom. |
3. Visitors should either have indoor footwear or wear shoe covers over outdoor footwear. Shoe covers are provided in the Palace free of charge. |
4. Visitors should have footwear without spike heels and metal tips on heels. You have to wear museum slippers over such type of shoes. |
5. Children under 12 years are not admitted. |
6. The Music House has a Cafeteria where visitors can eat and drink. Please do not take food and drink into the halls. |
7. The use of mobile phones during a concert is not permitted. |
8. Smoking is not permitted inside the Music House and in the courtyard. Smoking area is on the Moika embankment. |
9. Visitors under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or similar substances will not be permitted in the Music House. |
10. Possession of dangerous materials, including firearms, is not permitted on the territory of the Music House. |
Справки по телефону: (812) 702-60-96.
Ticket Offices
Ticket offices:
People's Artist of Russia, Professor Sergey Roldugin