Elena studied at the Art School of Pokhvistnevo, Samara region (class of teacher V. Kosukhina). In 2004, she graduated with honors from the Samara Municipal Music College named after D. Shatalov (class of L. Sharonova). In the same year she entered the Nizhny Novgorod conservatory (class of professor Galina Blagovidova).
Laureate of competitions:
1998 - the 3rd Prize at the The Regional Competition “Young Virtuoso Musician”, (Otradny)
.2004 – the 2nd Prize at the 7th Regional L.A. Muravieva Competition for Young Pianists
A certificate of merit for performing in the Open International Competition for Pianists and Piano Ensembles in Memory of Rahmaninoff “Classical Heritage Association”, Moscow, 2005. Participated the Regional festival and competition “Assembly of Arts 2003”, Tolyatti, a winner's diploma of the 3rd degree.