House of journalist
(Russia, St. Petersburg)

About venue
Two-story stone house for merchant Anton Shemyakin was built on Nevsky Prospect at the beginning of XIX century. Ivan Suhozanet, General of the Artillery, the Hero of 1812 Patriotic War and the Director of Imperial Military Academy became the owner of this building at the end of 1820s. The General was married to Catherine Beloselskaya-Belozerskaya and he built the mansion in style of Late Classicism by design of Dementy Quadri, adjacent to the Beloselsky-Belozersky Palace in 1830. All guests had been reminded of its lobby, decorated with spectacular columns lined with artificial marble.
After Ivan Suhozanet's death in 1864, his son Alexander had to sell this mansion to the St. Petersburg Merchant Society because of his father's huge card debt. This building housed later on the headquarters of Trade and Industry Union until the Spetsmashproekt Institute, well-known by designing of armored vehicles, occupied its space in 1933.
This building on Nevsky Prospect 70 became "The House of Journalist" in 1972. "The House of Journalist" had been fundamentally restored over the period 2012-2016 and officially opened on December 24, 2016.
The heart of this House is 120-seat Concert Hall that has been also restored and newly equipped in 2016.
Ticket offices
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