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Congratulations on the winning the I prize at the III International Piano Competition "Les Etoiles du piano" (France, November 14 - 20, 2021)
Congratulations on the winning the II prize at the 4th International "Weber Clarinet" Competition (Petrozavodsk, The Republic of Karelia, November 16-19, 2021)
Congratulations on the winning the I prize at the 4th International "Weber Clarinet" Competition (Petrozavodsk, The Republic of Karelia, November 16-19, 2021)
Congratulations on the winning the I prize at the12th International Competition for Performers on Wind & Percussion Instruments (Moscow, October, 29 -November 5, 2021)
Congratulations on the winning the I prize at the 6th International Flute Competition by The European Music Academy Foundation (Varna, Bulgaria, October 16-18, 2021)
Congratulations on the winning the III prize at the II International Viktor Tretyakov Violin Competition (Krasnoyarsk, September 20 - October 1, 2021)