02 november Friday 19:00 2007 |
Stars of the 21st Century symphony concert |
St. Petersburg St. Petersburg State Capella |
Alena Baeva (violin) Miroslav Kultyshev (piano) |
И. Брамс П. Чайковский |
07 december Friday 19:00 2007 |
Stars of the 21st Century symphony concert |
St. Petersburg St. Petersburg State Capella |
Александр Мельников (piano) Boris Andrianov (cello) |
Л. Бетховен А. Шнитке |
08 february Friday 19:00 2008 |
Stars of the 21st Century symphony concert |
St. Petersburg St. Petersburg State Capella |
Alexander Buzlov (cello) |
Р. Шуман С. Рахманинов |
Stars of the 21st Century symphony concert |
St. Petersburg St. Petersburg State Capella |
Ekaterina Frolova (violin) |
Ф. Шопен С. Прокофьев |
Stars of the 21st Century symphony concert |
St. Petersburg St. Petersburg State Capella |
П. Чайковский Ф. Шопен |
07 november Friday 19:00 2008 |
Stars of the 21st Century symphony concert |
St. Petersburg St. Petersburg State Capella |
Pavel Milyukov (violin) Miroslav Kultyshev (piano) Дирижёр: Александр Чернушенко |
И. Брамс В.-А. Моцарт Дж. Гершвин |
19 november Wednesday 19:00 2008 |
"Soloists of the Music House in the Mariinsky" symphony concert |
St. Petersburg Mariinsky Concert Hall |
Andrey Dubov (piano) Evgeny Sviridov (violin) Дирижёр: Sergey Roldugin |
М. Мусоргский С. Рахманинов П. Чайковский |
05 december Friday 19:00 2008 |
Stars of the 21st Century symphony concert |
St. Petersburg St. Petersburg State Capella |
Alexander Buzlov (cello) Дирижёр: Stanislav Kochanovsky |
С. Франк М. Равель М. Брух Э. Блох |
06 february Friday 19:00 2009 |
Stars of the 21st Century symphony concert |
St. Petersburg St. Petersburg State Capella |
Иван Почекин (violin) Alexander Lubyantsev (piano) Дирижёр: Владимир Беглецов |
Н. Паганини С. Рахманинов |
Stars of the 21st Century symphony concert |
St. Petersburg St. Petersburg State Capella |
Sergey Antonov (cello) Nikita Borisoglebsky (violin) Дирижёр: Sergey Roldugin |
С. Прокофьев П. Чайковский |